Eric - spoilers - The Bold and the Beautiful

Posted by Erma Hippe on Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Next week, Finn decides to go through Eric’s case. He will team up with other doctors, one of them being Bridget.

So it looks like they will save Eric’s life. Probably just in time for Christmas.

So what will Eric do when he’s no longer dying and finds out that Ridge lied about who won the fashion battle? Will he feel loved or made a fool?


I hope to heaven they tell him he lost so Steffy and Ridge can go back to working as co-CEOs and put Eric on a budget if he wants to keep designing. Or, if he wants to make only really incredibly expensive gowns, set him up so that he has a limited number of individual clients for whom he can design per year. Let him do some rich woman’s fabulous evening gown for a particularly special event. But not more than one per woman per year. They could turn it into a really exclusive, truly haute couture thing, and that ought to feed Eric’s ego while not being a potential drain on the company, as his haute couture gowns would also have to support themselves as a limited edition kind of line—if he doesn’t get the commissions for gowns, then he doesn’t make them. If he does, he has to charge enough to make the idea financially feasible. No more letting him order however much of whatever he wants whenever he wants.

BTW, if Finn does help save Eric, it will put another twist in Liam’s knickers because Finn will have jumped in front of a bullet for Steffy and helped save Eric’s life. What’s Liam got that he can put up against that? That his mother’s dead so she won’t cause Steffy any problems? Yeah, well, his father is alive, and he’s caused Steffy and her family plenty of problems.


Ugh. I don’t wish JMC to lose his job but I really want Eric off my screen right now. Also, I hope Finn has somehow gotten permission to go over Eric’s case. I dont see BnB necessarily following HIPPA laws but doctors cannot just randomly go through patient files unless they are the doctor of record. I don’t know why I feel the need to compare “reel” to reel, especially with BnB lol.


He should feel like a fool for being the @zz that he was. He’ll be upset at first but hopefully he’ll realize that he needs to live his life outside the office and let the next generation carry on.


Bell makes up his own rules and laws.


I will have to stop liking Finn if he saves Eric :laughing:


Another reason liam to jate finn hes gonna save eric lol


Just dawned on me that Finn was also key to realizing what was wrong with Thomas when he had that brain bleed or whatever it was that they called it back then. So, Finn threw himself in front of a bullet for Steffy and helped save Thomas’ life and now he may be on the verge of helping save Eric’s life?

Yep, Liam’s knickers are definitely going to be knotting up any time now.


Very true! Also, remember when Katie’s body was rejecting Storm’s heart? Bridget was able to figure out how to save Katie, even when a seasoned Cardiovascular Surgeon couldn’t help her!

Finn and Bridget would work well together, finding a cure or treatment solution for Eric.



BTW, if Finn does help save Eric, it will put another twist in Liam’s knickers because Finn will have jumped in front of a bullet for Steffy and helped save Eric’s life. What’s Liam got that he can put up against that?

Yep, this is what I would love to see should the storyline be true. I would love to see Liam realise that he is a mouse, and Finn is a man.

But hate for Eric to linger. I can’t stand this character.


The doctor of record is free to consult with other physicians. I believe at one point Eric’s doctor had mentioned consulting with other doctors about Eric’s case.

Perhaps the unorthodox treatment that Li had used to revive Finn could be used to save Eric. Li’s treatment protocol used on Finn would not be in any of the medical journals.

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Liam will continue to use the tired old excuse that Stephanie shouldn’t be with Finn because Sheila is in the picture. Liam is a sad, sad, sad little man.


I think it’s beyond ridiculous that Liam is still insisting he’s the one who can protect Steffy and her kids from Sheila when he’s also the one who told Steffy that he wouldn’t have confronted Sheila the way she did. Well, if he can’t confront Sheila the way Steffy—and Finn and Ridge and Brooke and Bill and even Hope—can, why does she need him to “protect” her? He also thinks he can offer her safety and sanity—since when? When has being with Liam ever been good for Steffy’s mental health long-term? And if he can offer her safety, how exactly is he going to do that? Simply by not being Sheila’s son? Well, heck, there are lots of other men out there who aren’t Sheila’s son. How does that make him the only one who can keep her safe, if, in fact, she actually felt she needed help in that area, which he’s just assuming she does?


Liam has become more of a joke right after he didn’t protect his wife from a dangerous Thomas but instead ran to do what he wanted to do for a while after Finn came into Stephanie’s life. Liam knows that she can protect herself and her children which she has proven. He has nothing to offer any woman. However, I do want him to go after Hope so that Thomas will be free.



Finn and Bridget would work well together, finding a cure or treatment solution for Eric.

Yes it would be good. Just keep Bridget away from the fertility wing of the hospital…:joy:


Now on this, I’m in complete agreement. Excellent post!

Simple math.

Gown costs X to make, sells for Y

If Y-X is a negative number, then the company loses money.

Why can’t Carter just explain this to Eric, or will he find out when Hope has a hissy fit over her line’s budget being cut.


Finn nor Broidget can look at Eric’s medicals records UNLESS he asks them to.So I hope he gave them permission. And Bridgett is not a specailist. Finn’s specaility is Emergency Room doctor. However, doctors are not to treat family members. This is all so unbelievable.

